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Little Realm Aquatic

is an

augmented reality experience

targeted at primary school children. This brand’s vision is to educate children on

Perth’s marine life

around Hillary’s Boat Harbour

using gamification and augmented reality.

Research Scope

These characteristics have been segmented to narrow down the ideal target audience for the future tour:

Key Areas:

  1. Wealthy families with high disposable income that can afford to live near Hillary’s Boat Harbour (Joondalup).
  2. Children that can register education and retain information (aged 9-11).
  3. Kids that enjoy video games and can be motivated to learn (through gamification ideally).
  4. The parents must value education and learning and want time away from their kids.

Research Findings


  1. Children usually lean towards video games no matter what generation (80s to present) as they’ve always remained popular since the 80s.
  2. From the ages 2-20, 73% of Generation Z have a gaming console in their household (Molla, 2017).
  3. Despite the surge of technological devices, according to a study 72% of children watch TV multiple times per day (JWTntelligence, 2018).
  4. 39% of kids aged 8-12 use mobile phone multiple times a day.
  5. 28% use laptops as well as another 28% use desktop computers multiple time daily.
  6. Studies show that Gen Z grew up comfortably with the internet, going as far as calling them ”the first digital natives” (JWTIntelligence, 2018).
AR Tour Experience
Rachel Dodson