Millie From The Rock Logo
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is a service that offers

pop culture candles

that each have a different intellectual property ranging from:

anime, TV shows, films, video games and celebrities.

This has the purpose of supporting

‘young people’

in the establishment
of their individual identities by helping
them create a safe space.

Project Brandmark


The ‘young people’ specifically targeted are high school and university students (Gen Z & Millennials respectively) that are at a point in their life when they are diverging from their parents. They are also at the point of their lives when they are creating their own spaces and need something to fill it with. When conducting research into the candle retail industry, the categories found were mostly feminine or witch-like which was something that could be diverged from in order to stand out. Additionally, the 1960’s art movement of ‘Pop Art’ was looked at for its variety of colours, stylised graphics and geometric patterns that would help the brand to stand out from its competition. Lastly, Art Pop has deep roots to consumerism which is common in pop culture.

Competitor Research

Competitor Research
Competitor Research

Target Audience

• Age 11-21 • At the age where it is important for them to separate their identities from their parents. • Want to decorate their own space (their bedroom or apartment). • Interested in and can keep up with trends and pop culture. • Can form friendships rooted in and bond over interest in Pop Culture. • Seeking an escape and break from responsibilities (job, school work, study, homework).
